French Settlement Elementary

FSE Policies and Procedures

French Settlement Elementary School is committed to maintaining an environment that is safe for all students and adults on our campus. Visitors are welcome! All visitors who arrive on our campus should enter the school through the front entrance doors to check in at the office. If you plan to visit our campus for any reason other than an assembly, please be prepared to present your photo ID to someone in the school office. If you will be traveling beyond the office onto our campus, office staff will provide you with a visitor's tag. Please be sure to attach the tag so that it is visible to any school faculty or staff.
Arrival and Dismissal
School hours are from 8:15 AM to 3:25 PM. Carpool and bus departure will begin at 7:45 AM. Students may not enter campus before this time. Students arriving to school after 8:18 will be considered tardy and must secure a tardy slip from the office before going to class. Students who are tardy must be accompanied by an adult to the office before the tardy slip will be issued.
Early Check-Outs
Students who need to leave school before dismissal will need to be signed out in the office by a birth parent, legal guardian, or someone listed on their emergency contact list. Due to bus arrival, and for the safety of our students, check-outs must occur before 3:00 PM. The only exceptions to be made will be due to medical emergencies.
Absences and Tardies
Students are allowed ten (10) unexcused absences per year and four (4) unexcused tardies per semester. Excessive tardies and/or absences (including excessive early check-outs) will result in a conference with an administrator and are subject to referral to our Parish Supervisor of Child Welfare and Families in Need of Services (FINS).
Emergency Information
Parents/Guardians must provide the school with current emergency contacts in the event of an emergency and the parent or guardian cannot be reached. Please provide several emergency contacts for your child. If the parent or guardian changes a phone number during the year, the office must be notified.
Transportation Changes
Any transportation changes must be made by a parent or guardian in person, or by signed note presented to the office. We cannot make transportation changes by phone as we cannot verify the identity of a caller over the phone.
Carpool Procedures
Cars will enter the carpool line via Kinchen Road and will travel along the northwest side of the school to the carpool pickup area. Cars will need to have a school-issued carpool tag visible on the dashboard, or hanging from the mirror in order to pick up students. Homemade tags are not acceptable. Any driver without a school-issued carpool tag will be asked to drive around to the office, present a photo ID, and wait until carpool concludes before the student will be released. Carpool tags will be issued at the beginning of the school year, and extra tags can be requested through the office. Cars in the carpool line may enter the carpool pick-up area after 2:45 PM.
Schoolwide Positive Behavior System
French Settlement Elementary will implement ROARS as its Tier I schoolwide positive behavior support plan.
R - Respect, O - Ownership, A - Accepting, R - Ready to Learn, S - Safe
Incentives/Rewards: Class Dojo points, Individual classroom rewards (as determined by individual teachers), Pride Point Privileges - Students can exchange Dojo points for privileges once per month, Roar Rally - Quarterly good behavior party
Consequences include: Warning, Redirection, Written Reflection, Office Referral, Recess Detention, Before-School Detention, Suspension, and Expulsion
For more information about any of these topics, and more, please refer to the French Settlement Elementary Student Handbook, linked below.